Contracting/Consulting Services Available

Posted on 2023/02/01 in News

Alien Technical offers the following services.

  • DevOps/Finops/DevSecOps/SRE/Platform Engineering
    • Designed for your business culture.
    • Review your current methods, and make recommendations.
    • Guide your developers, sysadmins, devops, security, operations, and business users to realise your end goal.
    • CI/CD pipeline automation using your secure toolchain(s) of choice.
    • Monitoring, alerting and reducing alert fatigue. Monitor everything, and alert when your business needs to be alerted.
    • Providing expertise on converting monolithic applications/software to micro-services as needed.
    • Containerisation of software that runs in a VM to reduce costs, and increase HA capabilities.
    • Help to achieve a Cloud First mindset where applicable.
    • Working with developers to achieve a self-service capability through Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs)
    • Helping to reduce expenditure through actively monitoring for unused infrastructure, and fine tuning your CI/CD processes.